King Falladir's Court
Standing as an island of civilization in the Middle of the raging war for the Crown of Command, the Castle of King Falladir succeeds in holding its place in the world of Talisman.
Being only King of a minor kingdom, King Falladirīs powers do not reach far.
The vicinity of his Castle, however, offers players hope to find some assistance in their Quest for the Crown.
The Castle of King Falladir is designed to replace the Castle-Space in the Middle Region.
When a player lands on the Castle-Space, he now has to treat it as an empty space and must do an Adventure card.
In his next turn, however, the player may - IF HIS CHARACTER IS OF HUMAN APPEARANCE - opt to enter the Courtyard of the Royal Castle and draw a Castle-Card there.
If he remains in the Castle, he may - on his next turn - visit one of the four buildings in the Castle: Royal Hall, Wizardīs Tower, Chapel or Guardhouse.
- Royal Hall: The Royal Hall may only be visited once per visit in the Castle. You may plead for an audience with the King:
- 1-3: The Kingīs state affairs do not leave him time an audience.
- 4-5: The King offers you some help. The cost of items at the guardhouse is reduced by one for the duration of your present visit to the Castle.
- 6: The King understands the importance of the Quest for the Crown. He orders the State Treasurer to pay you 3 Gold !
- Wizardīs Tower: You may buy a random spell at a cost of 2 Gold.
- Chapel: The Bishop will heal lost life-points at a cost of 1 Gold per point.
- Guardhouse: The Guardhouse houses a small shop:
- Sword: 2 Gold
- Axe: 3 Gold
- Shield: 3 Gold
- Armour: 4 Gold
For the duration of the stay in the Castle, players may only move one space per turn.
This means that they will always have to return to the Courtyard (and draw a card there) before they may enter another building.
If a player wants to leave, he must be in the Courtyard and there he rolls a die as normal, starting to count on the Castle-Space on the main-board.
However, apart from the standard functions each building also features a special QUEST.
When a player enters a building in the Castle he may, instead of performing the usual functions of the building, take the corresponding Quest-Card (provided the Quest is available !).
- Royal Hall: The Dragonslayer Quest may only be taken up by good or neutral male human characters. If the questing player runs out of Quest-Counters before he slays the Dragon, he has to give up the Quest (i.e. to return it to the Castle). A victorious player may take the Princess Gwynneth Special Card on his return to the Royal Hall.
- Wizardīs Tower: There are no pre-conditions for taking up the Alchemistīs Quests. However, if a player should be on the Quest, another player visiting the Wizardīs Tower may take the Quest from the player presently questing by surrendering one Magic Object and 2 Gold. This may only happend as long as the currently questing player does not have gathered all the required items for the recipe. Once he has gathered all four items, the quest cannot be taken from him any longer. Monsters slain before the Quest was taken up do not count. Also, only the player currently questing may gather the Herbs-markers, and he has to put these back if the Quest is taken from him. Once the questing player has gathered all four items, he may return to the Wizard's Tower and take the Morgaine of Belwayne Special Card.
- Chapel: The Accolyte's Quest can only be lost by losing a combat while escorting the monks. If this happens, the Quest is returned to the castle. If all three monks are delivered to their destinations, the player may return to the Chapel. There he may take the Flying Carpet Special Card.
- Guardhouse: The General's Quest is lost if the questing player is - for any reason - forced to detour (examples: going into another direction to get healed, falling through a trapdoor, being teleported etc.). This means that the player has to go directly for each of the Orcs. If all Orcs are slain, the player may return to the guardhouse where he may take the Bodyguard Special Card.
An important rule concerning Quests is that a player may only solve one Quest.
This means that a player may only get the benefits from one Quest.
Neither is a player allowed to have several Quest Cards at the same time.
He may only be trying one Quest at any given moment.
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Copyright © 2000 Frank Schulte-Kulkmann, Trier, Germany