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Author: unknown

Publisher: MB 1977

Awards: none



Brian Bradford (USA) writes about the game:

2 to 4 players take the role as Carrier captains in the Pacific. Each side has two miniature carriers and 10 planes, along with 12 torpedoes. A deck of cards is supplied for dogfighting. The board is blue with hexagons on it. There is a carrier turn die and a regular die. There is also range markers for determining dogfight and torpedo run status. The object of the game is to destroy the opposing carriers.

Each player puts a circular red disk under each of his planes, denoting rank; Rank is 1-4. Each turn a player may attempt to manuever his carrier, or fly planes. To fly planes a D6 is rolled. This number is the total movement for planes; this may be used by one or more planes. A plane takes off from the front of the carrier into any of its three frontal hexes, a torpedo may be taken upon takeoff. To land, a plane must enter from its three rear spots and have a clear space in the rear to land. For example, a player rolls 6 for movement. He takes one plane off the carrier, with a torpedo and moves it one ahead, 2pts. He moves the other three plane on his carrier up one space on the deck ( there are 4 spaces on the deck) total 5 pts. He then spends the last point to take off with another plane. Manuevering the carrier is by die roll, but this die has T's and F's on it. A "F" forces the carrier to move forward one space, a "T" makes the carrier turn right or left one space.

Planes are moved torwards the opposing carriers. Any which reach 6 spaces from a carrier may drop their torpedo ( the distance must be 6) Each turn the torpedo moves forward one space, until it misses or impacts on the ship. Planes 4 away from one another may dogfight. Before doing so any torpedoes are lost. Both sides draw five cards; planes ranking are revealed and compared; the highest recieving additional cards for each point over. Cards are then place face down by both sides in 5 rows, these are lined up against the other sides cards, forming a 1st-5th volley. In each volley the cards are compared, highest wins. The best three of the five volleys wins the dogfight, shooting his opponent down. For example Plane A level 3 vs B level 4; each draw five card, B getting an additional card. A gets a 1, 1, 3, 5, 4. B gets 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2. A lines his cards up as 1, 3, 5, 1, 4; B as 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, choosing not to use 1 in his battle plan--very wise.

  • A--1, 3, 5, 1, 4
  • B--2, 2, 3, 4, 3

A wins the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th volley and thus has the best of three, winning the battle. In the case of ties in a volley they are negated from the tally total. Ties resulting overall lead to the destructuion of both planes.

After victory in a dogfight or launching a torpedo, a plane must immediatly return to a carrier. If there is no spaces at the rear, the plane is destroyed.

The first torpedo hit destroys all planes aboard the Carrier. The second destroys the carrier. As you can see manuevering is important when torpedoes are launched, but bad rolls can lead to a carrier comming closer to the torpedo than away.

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