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Author: unknown

Steve Jackson Games 1996
Pegasus Spiele

Awards: none



DinoHunt is a Cardgame for 2 to 4 players. It is also released in Germany with the title "Dino Jagd".

In the game the players take the role as a modern hunting expedition, travelling back through time in order to capture living dinosaurs in order to open up a Dino-Park. 5 different time-stages are open for the players who will try to hunt the most valueable dinosaurs in order to win the game. At the beginning of each turn a player first sets his energy-marker at "10", thus marking full batteries. Than the player draws one special card (Specialists, Gadgets, Events) which he might use later in the game, and he also draws 1-6 dinosaurs which are distributed to the according times. The the player may spend energy to travel from one time-stage to another, and after travelling, the real hunt begins: The player choses a dinosaur in the time-period he is in which he wants to hunt. Than the player rolls a die and looks on the hunting table given on the dinosaur he wanted to capture. If he rolls high, he captures the dinosaur, but otherwise the results may vary from a simple "miss" (losing energy) to even enraging the dinosaur and being forced to end the turn. If a dinosaur is captured, the player must spend energy (depending on the value of the dinosaur) in order to send it forward to the timewarp. After the dinosaur-deck is used up, the player owning the most valueable dinosaurs wins.


The game itself becomes decidingly more intersesting by the use of the Special Cards. A player now may try to hamper an other by playing a catastrophe which results in the distinction of dinosaurs in a special period, or he might even try to highjack a captured dinosaur which is send forward through time. Special gadgets might improve hunting, or special characters like "Sureshot Sam" or "Mrs. Fixit" will grant the hunting expedition a leading edge.

After having played Dinohunt, I was quite taken by the game. The game technics are simple enough, but high interaction between the players arrises as soon as the hunting for the best dinosaurs starts. Players will try to hamper each other in many different sorts of ways in order to prevent them from getting away with a price-dinosaur. The game itself is not too long, but as always with a Steve Jackson Game: Long Time Fun is guaranteed.


Very impressive is the german release of the Game made by "Pegasus Spiele". The game contains the same components than the english version, but a quite good gameboard is included too. The gameboard (shown above) contains spaces for cards and discards, the energy markers for 4 players, the time track and spaces to place the dinosaurs. The illustration of the gameboard looks quite impressive and itīs certainly even more fun to use it in play.

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