



Publisher: Laurin /
Queen Games

Awards: none



This is an easy playing game for 2 to 4 players which compete for first reaching Mount Doom and throwing The Ring into the fire. The Ringwraiths are moved nearly randomly and if the Ring-Bearer is captured, all players have lost. The Game-Design is fairly simple and the different characters cannot be identified (only Gandalf). The only thing intriguing concerning this game is the shifting gameboard. It consists of many Hexes, and if a storm comes up (which is quite often the case), all hexes containig no figure are rotated. However, the shifting gameboard also results in making the movement of the Ringwraiths fairly unpredicatble, giving the players sometimes frightening few control over the events happening on the gameboard...


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Copyright © 2006 Frank Schulte-Kulkmann, Essen, Germany